A woman sits on the floor working with a preschool boy with toys next to them

News from the Life Span Institute

At the Life Span Institute, we improve the quality of people’s lives through research. Explore and share stories you’ll find here about our investigators, students and staff, and the outcomes of our research.

Featured news

7 myth-busting facts about the risk of eating disorders

KU Life Span Institute researchers and other mental health experts reveal the truth about eating disorders in these facts that dispel the many myths around this serious condition.

5 ways to better communicate with people who use AAC devices 

As part of Assistive Technology Month in Kansas, we’re highlighting some of their advice on how others can help facilitate better conversations in and outside of the classroom to better allow everyone to participate in conversations.

Groups Raise Awareness During Youth Violence Prevention Week

The Youth Violence Prevention Center of Kansas City is joining community organizations and schools to mark a national week focused on preventing violence among youth.

Fair offers resources for youth with disabilities transitioning from high school

Youth who have disabilities and their families are invited to a resource fair on May 4 for Wyandotte County residents to help support successful transition from high school.


Community mourns death of Life Span Institute researcher Morris Faiman

 Morris “Morrie” Faiman, longtime faculty member and research professor at the Life Span Institute, died April 23 at age 91.

ATK Celebrates Assistive Technology Month in Kansas

Assistive Technology for Kansans staff, council members and supporters gathered April 17 at the Capitol in Topeka in celebration of Gov. Laura Kelly designating April as Assistive Technology Awareness Month in Kansas. 

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Intersections newsletter logo: discoveries, people and impact


Through Intersections, we share stories of the impact of our research. Intersections offers new research findings, features about research in progress, and showcases our scientists and students—and the questions that drive them.
